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Reordering Markdown Ordered List

• 1 min

I've been making ordered lists in markdown for a long time. It's great to be able to use ordered lists just by writing the list out using numbers: 1. List item etc... Until recently, I've always hated reordering these lists and I'd default to unordered lists so I could reorder easier. That ends today.

With ordered lists in markdown, you can just use 1. for each item. This will start the list at 1 and go up from there, and when you reorder it you don't have to change each number. If they all start with 1. then it will just work.

1. List item number one
1. Another list item
1. This one is number three
1. You only need to do use 1


  1. List item number one
  2. Another list item
  3. This one is number three
  4. You only need to do use 1